Tag Archives: Sports

Exercising With a Disability

When I first came out of hospital at the start of April 2012 I was very weak. I could just about get myself out of bed to get to the sofa where I would stay all day – that got very frustrating after a couple of days. Sitting around on my ass is not something I was used to and I wanted to get back to work as soon as possible.

I ordered a copy of the 30 Day Shred as it was a 30 day program that didn’t need much equipment and it looked like I could easily adapt it to my needs. I had looked on YouTube for exercises that I could do sitting down if necessary and without weights if I was feeling too weak. Luckily 30 Day Shred met both those criteria and it was also a very good price (I picked it up of £5/$7).

The first few weeks I could only work out once a week as I needed the other days to recover from the exertion I was that tired and weak. Eventually I built up my strength and stamina and I was then able to workout 3 days a week and get through the program.

The results I got from the program were just what I wanted! I gained strength, flexibility and stamina to that I could return to work 6 weeks later. I also toned up and lost 10lbs of fat and gained 4lbs of muscle but the best thing was that my swelling on my leg reduced and my limp got a bit better too.

Here’s a link to my review of the 30 Day Shred and I’ll also provide a link straight to the DVD on Amazon.


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